BitcoinBlink belongs to BBlinkio OÜ (Registry code 14718623) founded in 2019.

The company is registered in the European Union (Estonia) and has received two valid licenses to operate legally (termless):

Virtual Currency Wallet Service (FRK000807)

Exchanging Crypto To Fiat Currency (FVR000913)

We allow people worldwide to purchase, sell and store cryptocurrencies such as BTCETHLTCXRPBCH & BSTK.

The company aims to create an entire ecosystem revolving around cryptocurrencies, for online services of various industries based on the BSTK token via mergers, acquisitions, and creations.

BitcoinBlink is an evolving enterprise and will integrate vertical and horizontal expansions systematically.

We make it a point always to honor the interests of our users and be compliant with the prevailing law to protect and preserve our users' investments and data.

Legal address:

 Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Pärnu mnt 41a-304, 10119


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