BitcoinBlink is allowed legally to operate a crypto to fiat exchange and a wallet service.
- Virtual Currency Wallet Service (FRK000807)
- Exchanging Crypto To Fiat Currency (FVR000913)
Both licenses are TERMLESS and have been issued by the European Union (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication of Estonia) the 21st of June 2019 after a meeting with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in Tallinn as part of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act.
"§ 17. Appointment of management board member in charge and compliance officer
(5) Only a person who has the education, professional suitability, the abilities, personal qualities, experience and impeccable reputation required for performance of the duties of a compliance officer may be appointed as a compliance officer. The appointment of a compliance officer is coordinated with the Financial Intelligence Unit."